Royal Family News: Queen Elizabeth Says NO to Prince Charles Outrageous Plans

Queen ElizabethBritish royal family reveals that the speculation mill is rife with gossip that Prince Charles has big, big plans to give Buckingham Palace a makeover. What is the skinny about his reported intent to turn the place into a museum?

For one thing, it’s being claimed that this reported rumor is giving his mum Queen Elizabeth fits. Let’s take a deeper dive into what is going on with this story.

Will the Palace Be A Museum?

OK! reports that Prince Charles is planning for his day in the sun by pondering how he can eliminate the number of senior royals on the payroll. Ever the economist! He’s also supposedly considering that to do with the very old and very expensive Buckingham Palace. What if he turned it into a moneymaker instead of a money drainer? That’s the ticket!

Prince Charles reportedly wants to transform the palace into a museum but his mother, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, apparently does not see the charm in that. After all, it would be a major and sweeping change and the monarchy is all about tradition.

Will Charles Get His Way?

Apparently the queen wants the family to retain control of the palace so a change is unlikely while she is still in charge. In fact, the palace is undergoing a renovation that should be done by 2027, so what’s the good of a re-do if one cannot enjoy it?

Also, there is no way of knowing when Prince Charles will take over, so to date his plans are up in the air. What about the rumors that Charles wants to make the palace a public locale? One royal insider throws cold water on that saying it will, “not be happening any time soon.”

RWill Charles Change Things Up?

What there is no doubt about is that Charles will follow his mother on the throne. She is the UK’s longest reigning monarch and next year grand celebrations will mark her 70th year as queen. Plans call for a Platinum Jubilee to be held and details reveal that the event will be as opulent as the name implies. There will be parades, a bank holiday and a special equestrian show. But for now, there will be no museum for Charles.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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