GH Spoilers: T.J. Longs For His Own Child Even If Molly Can’t Produce The Same

General Hospital: TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) General Hospital (GH) spoilers report TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) and Molly Lansing Davis (Mia Holiday Kriegel) have had a rough week. In fact, the last few weeks haven’t been great. Molly has learned that she has severe endometriosis, which is impairing her ability to conceive a child. There is nothing this couple wants more than to become parents together, and now Molly has learned that not only can she not carry their child, but she cannot use her eggs to create one. It may seem unfair to Molly that TJ will be able to have a biological child of his own, but she cannot.

Unable to see the path ahead right now, even if her eyes are just clouded by tears, Molly needs some time away from this subject to process all that has transpired. TJ is happy to give her that, but for how long?

General Hospital Spoilers — T.J. Ashford Is Ready For Fatherhood

Impatient as he may be, TJ is ready to be a father – like, yesterday. If they could adopt a baby right now, he would. Molly is dragging her feet, unsure of what comes next, and unsure of what she’s even alright with. She always saw this going a certain way.

Meet the right guy, check. Get the ring, check. But a house, check. Have a baby, check. As things continue to diverge from the way she planned them out in her head, Molly may start to question whether motherhood is really in the cards for her. But what about the promise of parenthood she made to her domestic partner?

GH Spoilers – Say Molly Lansing Davis Isn’t Sure What She Wants

Unsure of what she wants, Molly is going to throw herself into the one thing she knows she has always loved — her career.

She never imagined she would celebrate such success as a professional at such a young age. In fact, although she has much more of the ladder to climb, a new promotion could be in the works for Molly soon which might take her attention even further away from this baby business.

How is that going to go over with TJ, who is waiting for her to circle back around and help him figure this out.

General Hospital Spoilers — T.J. Ashford Finds Himself Wanting Someone Else

The more that Molly throws herself into her work and pulls away from TJ and their plans for parenthood, the more he may find himself throwing himself at someone else. Yeah, yeah, it’s completely out of character for TJ to think about any other woman but Molly. We get it. But times are changing.

If Molly can’t give TJ what he desperately wants, he may try to find it elsewhere. Fans are already starting to speculate where he might find his happy family.

Could a romance be in the works for TJ and Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl), who needs a baby daddy for her son, Ace Cassadine (Jay and Joey Clay)? Let us know if you could see TJ cozying up to Esme and Ace in their time of need, and keep checking back with us for more GH news, updates, and spoilers.

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