‘The Young and the Restless’ Poll: Who’s the Real Halloween Witch – Sharon or Patty? VOTE!

'The Young and the Restless' Poll: Who's the Real Halloween Witch – Sharon or Patty? VOTE!Sharon (Sharon Case) and Patty (Stacy Haiduk) are battling on ‘The Young and the Restless’. There are plenty of points that could be made for or against either character or regarding other people who populate Genoa City. But, the next question asks savvy readers to focus on two specific personalities. Who is the real witch, Sharon or Patty?

Major health issues are a serious matter. How people handle problems in their lives helps to determine if challenges can be overcome. Sharon and Patty have both faced mental health issues during their tenures in Genoa City. Patty’s problems could be classified as deeper than Sharon’s. However, that’s a subjective point of view. So, the term ‘witch’ is offered as a reference for someone who consistently behaves in a selfish manner and doesn’t care if others are hurt by said actions.

Among more recent crimes, Patty was sent to prison (and later transferred to Fairview) because she shot Jack (Peter Bergman) earlier this decade. Patty’s recent relocation to Rivercrest was enabled by her behavior, which she exaggerated in order to aid a hoped-for escape plan. Honest Patty fans would have to admit that Ms. Williams is deeply unstable, is a threat to other human beings and to herself. However, it’s also fair to claim that she’s not fully responsible for all of her actions due to her existing body chemistry.

Sharon voluntarily checked herself into Fairview last year as a preventative mental health care measure. She chose to do so even though that was where Adam (then played by Michael Muhney) stole Faith (now played by Alyvia Alyn Lind) from her. After arriving, Sharon was manipulated by Dr. Sandra Anderson (Elizabeth Bogush) into believing that she was pregnant and was then given Sage’s (Kelly Sullivan) child under the pretense that Christian was her own newborn son.

Patty was suspicious of Dr. Anderson, who also served as her psychiatrist. Eventually, Patty confronted Sandy, who admitted her baby swap scheme. Sandy attempted to silence her patient with a sedative, but Patty blocked that attempt, grabbed a letter opener and stabbed her to death. That effects of that traumatic event recently cleared, which then caused Patty to contact Sharon.

Sharon didn’t choose to be used by Sandy. But, she did choose to further the lie that Christian is Sully. She didn’t choose to be blackmailed by Patty in order to keep the Sully secret covered. But, she did choose to use Mariah (Camryn Grimes) to pacify Patty into believing that her freedom would soon be gained.

Patty is using the paternity of a defenseless child as leverage. She’s also allowing her brother (Paul, Doug Davidson) and nephew (Dylan, Steve Burton) to believe that Christian is their blood relative. And, she’s working the mental health system by not following a recovery plan that’s costing tax payers untold amounts of money.

Sharon allows her husband to think that he has a son and her ex-husband to believe that his son died. Patty opted to retain information about Sandy’s crimes and is now attempting to use that information to her own advantage. Both people continue to damage lives, yet the final question might not be easy to answer.

Fans of ‘The Young and the Restless’ rightfully express their opinions on a regular basis. So, is Sharon or Patty the greater witch, or are both character’s actions equally detestable? Vote in our poll below!

Soap Opera Spy is a leading source for everything linked to ‘The Young and the Restless’. 

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