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90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days Season 7 fans liked the look of newcomers Rayne and Chidi. However, previews for the upcoming episode have them angry and disappointed, and they complain that Angela 2.0 has hit the TLC franchise. Read on to find out more about the spoilers.
Rayne Yells At Blind Chidi & His Family
TLC fans initially liked Chidi’s woman because she seemed kind to animals. She has a chicken farm in New Mexico and gathers the eggs. Spoilers showed her being kind to her hens. Plus, she has a horse and keeps ducks. Her two children have no father figure around, but they seemed okay Notably, she spoke sweetly about Chidi her blind Nigerian boyfriend. But, it seems a bully lurks under the veneer.
Anglea Deem joined the TLC franchise years before Rayne and Chidi, and 90 Day Fiance fans are convinced that she’s an abusive bully. When she gets mad, her eyes pop, and she yells like a crazy person. Always yelling, she hardly ever let Michael Ilesanmi get a word in edgeways. And now, spoilers reveal a similar side to Rayne.
90 Day Fiance Fans Meet Angela Deem 2.0?
In the first episode of Season 7, TLC fans didn’t see a wild side to Rayne from New Mexico. However, at the end of the segment, a teaser revealed a lot of yelling and eyepopping and a despairing-looking Chidi. Although he’s blind, she yelled at him saying that he’d “never see [her] again.” Shocked fans saw it when @Merrypants on Instagram screen shared some photos and a recording of TLC’s preview.

The admin for the 90 Day Fiance fan page wrote:
Turns out Rayne, who I thought was so sweet, is just Angela 2.0.
Run Chidi Run
Shocked TLC fans discussed the spoielrs about Rayne. Here are their thoughts:
- 😆 I just said this to my husband!! Angela junior is what I’ve dubbed her.
- Omg 😳She’s like a cross between Angela and that chick from The Other Way with narcolepsy that moved to Colombia.
- I’m speechless. That’s next week right[?]
- Is the only qualification for this show to be certifiable crazy?!
- It’s been 1 day, and I already hate her.
- Did anyone choke when you heard her say “You’ll never see me again” to a blind man?
- She is single for a reason.
What are your thoughts about Rayne? She claimed the men she met in her life were awful and blamed them for her never getting any love in the past. Do you think they dodged a bullet? Are you afraid for Chidi? Is she going to turn into Angela Deem 2,0? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your 90 Day Fiance news and spoilers.
SOURCE & VIDEO – Instagram.
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