Family Friends To Blame For Josh Duggar’s Conviction

Duggar FamilyDuggar Family News reveals that Josh Duggar may have been arrested because of one family friend that decided to run their mouth. The Duggars are always portrayed as this very wholesome, God fearing family that can do no wrong. Aside from their disturbing cult-like behavior, all seemed like rainbows and unicorns in this family, right? Wrong.

As viewers watched every week, many of them just knew that life couldn’t be this good all the time. They were right. In this family, there were horrible things going on behind closed doors and one of their friends just had to spill the tea.

Duggar Family News – Who Told On Josh Duggar?

The Duggars gained fame from being on the TLC network that is known for making wholesome, family entertainment. Come to find out, there was something less than wholesome happening with one of their most beloved families.

Bobye Holt, who was a family friend of the Duggars for years, revealed that she had some inside information about the horrible things happening behind closed doors.

Josh had already admitted to sexually assaulted young girls when he was a teenager and some of those girls were his own sisters!

These crimes actually happened while he was still living with Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar and when it all came out, they seemed to just sweep it under the rug. Of course, those around them just thought this was horrible.

Some say that the Duggars have some very high connections in Arkansas and this is why things in their past just seem to be ignored.

Of course, Holt couldn’t take it any longer and she knew that something had to be done about Josh’s behavior. Bobye was one of the first of many to testify against Josh and what she told the court was shocking.

Duggar Family News – Bobye Holt Shares The Truth

When Bobye shared her testimony, she was incredibly specific. She told the court that Josh had been touching young girls at the age of 15.

She said that the girls were ages 5 to 12 and there was even a girl who wished to remain unnamed that he molested in 2002.

The Holts were close to the Duggars and have known their family secrets for decades. Their daughter, Kaeleigh was actually in a relationship with Josh, but they hid this because of his actions as a teenager.

The Holts stated that Josh had cheated on their daughter and he even called Bobye one night to confess to her that he was thinking about assaulting another young girl.

Apparently that was the night that he touched his sisters inappropriately. Jim Holt recently opened up about this to fans.

He said, “I told Bobye, ‘If Josh doesn’t turn himself in, I’m going to do it.’ I kept praying and hoping that he would do it.” If the Holts are the reason that Josh is now in prison, perhaps they did the right thing after all.

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