‘The Bold and The Beautiful’ August 2015 Trivia: How Well Do You Know B&B?

'The Bold and The Beautiful' August 2015 Trivia: How Well Do You Know B&B?

It is “Bold and the Beautiful” August 2015 trivia time!  How well do you know your favorite soap?  “B&B” was created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell and the popular daytime soap recently celebrated its 7000th episode.  The opening theme of the soap  is “High Upon This Love” by Jack Allocco and David Kurtz.

If you knew all of this, you are ready to  take our B&B quiz. Let us know how you do in the comments below and don’t forget to check Soap Opera Spy tomorrow for the latest “The Bold & The Beautiful” spoilers, rumors, updates, trivia, news and more!

Once you finished the B&B quiz if you want to try our quiz on “The Bold and the Beautiful’s” sister show Y&R you can try your luck, RIGHT HERE!

Ready to get started?  Have fun and don’t forget, let us know how you do!!

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  1. Angela says

    Got 80%, couldn’t remember about Katie’s ailment as a teen & Ridge & Brooke have had what 7 marriages now, I was sure that they had went to Italy together but maybe it wasn’t for their honeymoon so I got that messed up, LOL!

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